Ardour vs. Audacity?

Bharani Prasanth Sure bharaniprasanth at
Fri Jan 4 15:25:33 GMT 2008

I really don't understand what makes ardour an inevitable option  Except the automation a control and a few plugins Its all the same.Like I am a beginner too.So please donoit misunderstandme for testing your awareness...Where is the complexity..?

Best Regards,Bharani Prasanth Sure.

> Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 09:28:56 -0500
> From: christopherstamper at
> To: mark at; ubuntu-studio-users at
> Subject: Re: Ardour vs. Audacity?
> Ardour is definitely the best. Rosegarden is for notation and MIDI, NOT audio. So it won't help at all. (unless you wanted to record MIDI and not audio).
> Audacity is more for the beginners, who don't really care about multiple tracks, quality or control. It may have a couple nice features, but overall, it is not the best.
> Just spend a few hours playing around with Ardour, it's really not that hard to use once you understand it. And it is well worth the effort!
> On Jan 4, 2008 12:27 AM, Mark Stuart Burge < mark at> wrote:
> I would definitely recommend ardour if you want to record multi track
> and have any level of control.
> Audacity is great for single track recording and chopping the results
> up, filtering etc and then exporting, but when it comes to recording
> multiple parts, lining them up, mixing down, automating fades, pan and
> inserts then ardour makes it all easy.
> The learning curve is not that huge if that is all you need to do. It
> just takes a little getting used to.
> Ardour I think is heading in the direction of midi compatibility also,
> which will be great if they do get there, as it will save having to
> learn yet another application just for the the times when you need to
> use synths etc.
> Also,  ardour is likely to be around for a long time, so it is worth
> your investment (in time and effort as well as hopefully financially to
> support the developers)
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