Subject: Re: "The Death of High Fidelity" Sad, sad, sad...

Paul DeShaw pauldeshaw at
Tue Jan 1 21:32:56 GMT 2008

> From: "D. Michael McIntyre" <michael.mcintyre at>
> To: Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion <
> ubuntu-studio-users at>
> Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 17:45:33 -0500
> Subject: Re: "The Death of High Fidelity" Sad, sad, sad...
> On Saturday 29 December 2007, Cory K. wrote:
> > > I guess there's a certain element of where to draw the line here, but
> > > it's depressing how far down the line is trending these days.
> >
> > *sigh* :(
> Kinda makes me wonder if the next big thing in audio formats will be
> .wax.cyl
> files.
> --
> D. Michael McIntyre
> I have to admit I was too scared to read the Rolling Stone article.  On a
positive note, I've noticed two things:

There is a countertrend in the  arena of  DIY music; a trend for people to
participate in music-making rather than merely being consumers.  Witness the
so-called "recreational music" movement for adults, or, my own obsession,
early childhood music.  Children exposed to participatory music from an
early age make music as a normal part of life; it becomes as natural as
speech for them.  I just wonder if people who are used to making their own
music, often on acoustic instruments, will be satisfied with the sound of
lossy compression--especially if they've been exposed to live singing and
playing since birth.

The other thing I noticed, when I was taking audio production classes last
year, was a very acute awareness about these problems among 19-22 year old
future audio engineers, performers, and producers.  I heard these young
adults lament the bad sound of Mp3's and brick-wall mastering.  If the next
generation that produces music is this aware, it gives me a little hope,
especially if they are producing music for people whose ears have been
sensitized to the nuances of musical sound from an early age.


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