gTick replacement?

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Mon Feb 25 00:38:55 GMT 2008

On Sunday 24 February 2008, Toby Smithe wrote:

> Looks good, but it's too late for Ubuntu Hardy.

I want my money back then.  Right now.

> Ubuntu Hardy now ships fluid-soundfont, so this (or at least when

I'll have to look at this. 

> knowledge, shouldn't be a problem. And, on modern CPUs, I'd hope MIDI
> timing was accurate, too.

You'd be surprised.  With a stock kernel (eg. from non-Studio Ubuntu,) MIDI 
timing is abysmally bad.  I'm not really that picky about latency, but even I 
can hear how bad it is.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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