Audacity recording choppy

altern altern2 at
Tue Apr 22 08:08:54 BST 2008

Fred Schuelzky(e)k dio:
> Hi
> 	After a week and a half I finally have audacity running at least it 
> monitors. The recording is very choppy.
> 	It does record well under win xp,  but I want it to work with kubuntu.
> 	So far I have checked the mechanical stuff, usb cord. All 3 cords I 
> tried worked. Researched the Audacity forum and the Kubuntu forum. Tried 
> it with the rca output into the sound card, that makes a lot of noise 
> and nothing else. I've tried adjusting the preamp gain, I didn't see any 
> change there. In the software preferences under latency I have tried 
> different audio buffer settings.
> Here is my setup:
> Amd Semperon  1200le
> 1600 mzh.
> 1 gig ddr2
> Sound card Nvidia realtek ALC662 rev1
> KUBUNTU 7.10
> Numark TTXUSB turntable
> Audacity 1.3.3 d/l from repositories

i would try to use another software to record in order to see if the 
problems are coming from audacity or from the system.


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