Ubuntu Studio report

Christopher Stamper christopherstamper at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 23:50:37 BST 2008

To comment where no comment was needed:

'About me' doesn't come up. 'There was an error while trying to get the
> addressbook information Evolution Data Server can't handle the protocol'

Studio always did that to me. Since 7.04


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Cory K. <coryisatm at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> hollunder at gmx.at wrote:
> > Thanks for guidance... don't complain if the report is not to your
> > liking.
> >
> > Bugs and issues, Ubuntu Studio related:
> >
> > The colour set still causes problems, klick any of the 'unlock' buttons
> > and on 'advanced' or whatever it was, and you will see a dark-blue link
> > on dark-grey background, unreadable.
> >
> I'm not sure what you mean. Steps to reproduce?
> > Also, there happen to be websites where drop-down menus (I mean
> > something like a font combo box) are dark-grey in background with black
> > letters, the same old unreadable stuff.
> >
> We can't be responsible for apps that use GTK in non-standard ways. This
> is a BIG deal and I have a running list of bugs to submit to upstreams.
> > I noticed that the ubuntu studio theme has the black background as
> > default, not one of the custom made ones.
> >
> I'm not seeing this at all. Could you be more specific?
> > jackd could have saner default settings, for example the rt-option
> > could be set as default, periods to 3, .. whatever.
> >
> Might be something we could do foe Intrepid *but* this is such an
> opinion kinda thing I would be reluctant.
> > By default, the alsa-pcm level is set to 80%, does that make sense or
> > serve a certain purpose?
> >
> I'm not sure. I'll leave this for others.
> > Some menu items don't have a 'tool tip', example: pure data.
> >
> That's an upstream bug. Please file.
> > Rants and stuff for Intrepid:
> >
> > IMHO the colours aren't any good, they cause problems in readability,
> > have low contrast and don't serve a purpose besides 'being cool', and
> > that is up to debate.
> >
> It does serve a purpose. The theme has come from the fact that Pro
> multimedia apps often use like colors. Our theme is under constant work
> and we do what we can. It will not change from the dark, "Pro" look. ;)
> Fixes that don't break other apps are welcome.
> > I don't like the menu structure, I'd love to see it more geared towards
> > fast access. I'd like more categories in a flatter hierarchy.
> >
> The current structure was the best effort from long ML chats. You're
> free to make a proposal.
> > After using ubuntu studio since it's there I'd really like to have an
> > official abbreviation, a two-or-so letter acronym.
> > Writing Ubuntu Studio as a whole all the time sucks.
> >
> "Officially" it's Ubuntu Studio or ubuntustudio in packages. Never
> hyphenated. But in the end, do what ya like. :P
> > It would be somehow nice to have Information on the applications
> > available. Documentation? How's the status?
> >
> This is on the wiki. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio
> > Some other bugs I encountered and haven't reported yet:
> >
> > 'Clock Preferences' -> 'Time Settings' -> 'Set System Time' just gave
> > me an authentication dialogue that wasn't in the foreground and
> > therefore invisible, which rendered everything unusable until one
> > blindly enters the password. It didn't do anything thereafter.
> >
> > 'About me' doesn't come up. 'There was an error while trying to get the
> > addressbook information Evolution Data Server can't handle the protocol'
> >
> >
> > General Rant:
> >
> > The now easy x-server configuration makes my life harder, since
> > 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' doesn't include monitor options (and I
> > think keyboard settings) anymore. Which means that I have to hand-edit
> > xorg.conf to get a higher resolution than 1024x768.
> > Also, the keyboard settings during install appear to have been stripped
> > down, so I couldn't select my language-sub-layout.
> >
> ^^^ All stuff best left to Ubuntu and upstreams. ^^^
> > In case you're still reading that: Thank you, nice work, it's good to
> > have this distro.
> >
> np.
> -Cory \m/
> --
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Christopher Stamper
christopherstamper at gmail.com
Skype: cdstamper
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