GDM issues?

Cory K. coryisatm at
Thu Apr 3 21:36:27 BST 2008

hollunder at wrote:
> Is this the same problem or related to the one I have?
> I have serious trouble logging in graphically, because gdmgreeter
> crashes all the time and I have trouble reporting that (automatic way
> doesn't really work with that problem for whatever reason).
> It could also be a hardware-related problem of some sort tough, looks
> like my box is dying..
> Well, let's give it another try..
> Philipp

Might be. I got to a prompt and removed GDM to get in.

Try removing the gtkrc for the GDM theme the installing
ubuntustudio-desktop again. Then re-enable the theme. Reboot.

I know personally do a fresh install for final.

-Cory \m/

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