Two Questions?

hollunder at hollunder at
Thu Apr 3 21:15:32 BST 2008

On Thu, 03 Apr 2008 14:45:57 -0400
"Cory K." <coryisatm at> wrote:

> sonamusica wrote:
> >> Today some stupid welcome screen wouldn't load, and I have been
> >> reduced to a prompt
> >>     
> > same problem, solved installing kdm...or better reading this 
> >
> >
> > from there:
> >
> > the right answer for me
> > "Commenting the HumanList gtkrc gtk_color_scheme = line workaround
> > the issue, does anybody knows why this theme is not using the same
> > gtkrc as Human and if the line can be commented? the theme seems to
> > not change when it's commented"
> >
> > just to put a # before "gtk_color_scheme"
> > i changed this file "sudo
> > gedit /usr/share/gdm/themes/UbuntuStudio/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
> >
> > hello
> I wrestled the entire day with this. The above fix *didn't* work
> because we have no such line. At one point I removed the GDM themes
> gtkrc and things worked again. (along with alot of other tinkering)
> But, haha, I put it back and never had the issue. Go figure. This is
> a tricky one that not everyone is getting or really know exactly what
> is the issue.
> We will be removing the gtkrc from the theme in the end because it's
> not really needed as it will just use the systems theme.
> -Cory \m/

Is this the same problem or related to the one I have?
I have serious trouble logging in graphically, because gdmgreeter
crashes all the time and I have trouble reporting that (automatic way
doesn't really work with that problem for whatever reason).

It could also be a hardware-related problem of some sort tough, looks
like my box is dying..

Well, let's give it another try..


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