Gutsy realtime kernel

raydar raydar at
Wed Oct 17 13:58:40 BST 2007

On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 12:00 +0100,
ubuntu-studio-users-request at wrote:

> Considering Ubuntustudio gutsy is days away from release, there is little to no point, as 
> UbuntuStudio gutsy will have a realtime kernel.

I've been Gutsy beta- & release-candidate testing for a couple weeks,
and the realtime kernel came down the pipe just the other day.  After it
installed and I rebooted, X failed to start properly.  I went back &
booted the "generic" kernel and all was well.

I did see something mentioned in the Ubuntu Forums about video being
sensitive to kernel latency/preepmtion settings, and I have an Nvidia
card that X didn't like under Gutsy until a new Gutsy "nvidia" (as
opposed to the open-source "nv") driver became available.

Does this make anyone think, "Oh, that's because . . ." or "Just do
this . . ."?   Hopefully more ugrades/updates will arrive & will fix it;
release day hasn't actually arrived, after all.

(I also started a thread at ).

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