two sound cards, keeping their HW number

greg emond g4gregoire at
Sat Oct 13 13:12:23 BST 2007

> Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 14:20:41 +0300> From: beepo at> To: ubuntu-studio-users at> Subject: Re: two sound cards, keeping their HW number> > > > On 10/13/07, defred <defred at> wrote:> > > >> Hello, it's my first post on the list and for a more linux / Alsa> >> oriented question.> >>> >> My laptop runs an ubuntu "studiofied", there is an internal sound device> >> (intel-something), and an Echo IndigoDJ (pcmcia device). Now when I boot> >> my computer these two devices use an hardware address of type hw:0 or> >> hw:1. But not always the same, so sometimes my XMMS will play on the> >> internal soundcard because the configured address is hw:1 which was> >> previously the Echo device. I'm tired of having to modify options each> >> time the address are messed up.> >> Is there a way to "force" the sound devices to always have the same> >> hardware address ?> >> (I can't find a way to find this on the web, don't know if its more an> >> alsa thing or a system issue)> >>> >> dF> >>> >>> >> --> >> Ubuntu-Studio-users mailing list> >> Ubuntu-Studio-users at> >> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:> >>> >>> >> > >> > This might be a silly question and i dont know what Mother board you have,> > but have u checket the BIOS you may be able to disable the on board sound> > card there... Its a shot in the dark.. but good luck.> > -------------- next part --------------> > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...> > URL: > >> > ------------------------------> > > Hi,> > I have the same problem on my desktop computer. It has a integrated > sound card on the motherboard and I have disabled it from the BIOS. The > Ubuntu Studio however still loads the kernel modules for it and the > symptoms are the same described above. The sound card number changes > every time I reboot the computer.> > So far I've handled the situation by manually unloading the integrated > sound card kernel modules by issuing commands:> > ~$ sudo modprobe -r snd_via82xx> ~$ sudo modprobe -r snd_via82xx_modem> > When it comes to xmms / jack I have every time to make sure they're > using the correct hardware device. The sound configuration in System -> > preferences -> Sound seems not to handle two sound cards very well.> > Is there any way to prevent the Ubuntu Studio loading the unwanted > kernel modules at startup and / or get the sound cards to preserve their > HW numbers in every boot?> > Best regards:> - Beepo> >>>> > > > -- > Ubuntu-Studio-users mailing list> Ubuntu-Studio-users at> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
I have the exact same symptoms with my delta 44.  Thanks for the tips, and ill try to come back with a solution as well.
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