no sound with ardour

brendon brendontoogood at
Thu Oct 4 06:03:46 BST 2007

On Thu, 2007-10-04 at 14:52 +1000, Steve Lindsay wrote:
> On 10/4/07, brendon <brendontoogood at> wrote:

> Sorry, I meant while you had ardour running. If ardour is running it
> should also appear in that list of connections. As was suggested by
> another poster, you're not going to get any sound going into ardour
> unless the alsa capture port(s) are hooked up to an ardour input. I
> just wanted to confirm that when you were recording as described in
> your earlier email that everything was hooked up correctly jack-wise.
> Cheers....Steve
yip i am guessing that it was, as this is my first time using this kind of apps, 
oh an i have only got the stock standard kernal installed as well

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