no sound with ardour

Steve Lindsay stephen.a.lindsay at
Wed Oct 3 23:22:55 BST 2007

On 10/3/07, brendon <brendontoogood at> wrote:
> >
> then as above, i started a new track and hit the record button and
> nothing the track slider didn't move along nothing just alot of static,
> it could be the mic i am using, as it is just a computer mic on a head
> set, not sure but the slider of the track should at least, but no
> nothing

If "track slider" means what I think you mean then you'll need to hit
play as well. Nothing moves in ardour until you've hit play (spacebar
is a shortcut), if you've also hit record and have one or more of the
tracks set to record then (in theory :) things will move and you'll
record sound.

However, if you're not hearing anything with everything connected up
and with the record button on the track selected then there is
something else wrong. Can you describe what the connections in
qjackctl look like? (the audio tab, not the midi tab)

Can you post the output of "arecord -l" from a terminal?

(in addition to the other suggestions on this thread, checking alsamixer etc.)


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