What do you guys listen to? :)

Cory K. coryisatm at nc.rr.com
Wed Nov 28 16:48:11 GMT 2007

So here's my 2nd "fun" post. So like the title says...

I'm a defiantly a metalhead but still listen to alot of music. Metal,
underground Hip-Hop, some Trip-Hop, Rock (many different types) and
electronica, Rock, Classical. You know what, it's easier to list what I
don't like. :D Opera and Country are the 2 biggest that come to mind.

Some bands:

    * Machine Head
    * Misery Index
    * SLAYER   
    * Psyopus            
    * Dimmu Borgir
    * Martyr
    * Biomechanical
    * Mastodon


    * Aesop Rock
    * Cannibal Ox
    * EL-P
    * GraySkul
    * R2DJ

Then there's really just too much. :)

Recently bought:
The Allman Brothers Band - "Idlewild South"

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