Please realize...

Edward Dunagin edunagin at
Sun Nov 25 19:00:25 GMT 2007

Hello Cory, Thanks for you note to the list.

On Nov 25, 2007 10:25 AM, Cory K. <coryisatm at> wrote:
> There have been a couple of posts from presumably new-to-linux users
> making assumptions about how things work in Ubuntu Studio/Linux.
> Now, while I will _never_ say there isn't a myriad of things that need
> attention in linux in general "please realize" that linux is so
> volunteer driven its crazy.
> Specific to Ubuntu Studio:
>     * There are only 6 or so people that really work on it.
>     * 1 of which can be even remotely considered "full-time".
>     * The rest are students with various other demands on their schedule.
> So you can see how while we would _love_ to work on the issues that are
> repeatedly brought up but... we need help. Simple. If you want to see
> the things in and around Ubuntu Studio you need to get involved. We only
> have so much time.
> So we will try to address things that we can handle and direct you to
> places where either people can find the needed info or places where they
> can get involved to help.

I have used Linux since the early '90s but have only been using
UbuntuStudio since it came out.
I will help where I can, but some of the stuff I have forgotten with
age. I always read list mail to see if I can help or learn something.
I have learned a lot from this list and I thank you.


Edward Dunagin-Dunigan-Dunnigan
4646 Glenwood Drive
Bozeman, MT 59718
mobile 406-570-0992
Landline 406-556-7282

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