Please realize...

Cory K. coryisatm at
Sun Nov 25 17:25:03 GMT 2007

There have been a couple of posts from presumably new-to-linux users
making assumptions about how things work in Ubuntu Studio/Linux.

Now, while I will _never_ say there isn't a myriad of things that need
attention in linux in general "please realize" that linux is so
volunteer driven its crazy.

Specific to Ubuntu Studio:

    * There are only 6 or so people that really work on it.
    * 1 of which can be even remotely considered "full-time".
    * The rest are students with various other demands on their schedule.

So you can see how while we would _love_ to work on the issues that are
repeatedly brought up but... we need help. Simple. If you want to see
the things in and around Ubuntu Studio you need to get involved. We only
have so much time.

So we will try to address things that we can handle and direct you to
places where either people can find the needed info or places where they
can get involved to help.

-Cory \m/

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