Beryl in Ubuntu Studio

Jorge G. Mare (a.k.a. Koki) koki at
Sat Jun 16 23:14:30 BST 2007


Joachim Struss, Antonia Kostarakis wrote:
> Jorge, I followed instructions and have everything downloaded.Same
> result. White cube. I then got a bit curious and downloaded Compiz. That
> gave me the same results too. The problem must be Ubuntu Studio related.
> I have the standard Ubuntu Feisty on a separate hard drive on the same
> computer and Compiz works fine.
> Does anybody have a clue how I could get Studio right?

I saw the white screen when I "side-graded" from plain Ubuntu (that had
Beryl running) to Studio on my desktop. I was able to solve the problem
by the following procedure:

1) Uninstall Beryl

2) Disable the restricted driver (using NVidia here)

3) Reboot

4) Enable restricted driver. Here, the OS told me that I needed a
different kernel and offered to download/install it, to which I
responded yes. Reboot.

5) Install Beryl

I am not sure if this is common, but at least it did work for me.



> On Mon, 2007-06-11 at 19:32 -0700, Jorge G. Mare (a.k.a. Koki) wrote:
>> Joachim Struss, Antonia Kostarakis wrote:
>>> I tried, but Intel drivers are not restricted. No result. Back to square
>>> one I guess. 
>>> Thanx for trying. I have tried to find an answer all over, but I do not
>>> seem to get many replies.
>> This guide is in Spanish, but the Terminal commands are self-explanatory:
>> Good luck!
>> Koki
>>> Jock 
>>> On Mon, 2007-06-11 at 16:38 -0700, Jorge G. Mare (a.k.a. Koki) wrote:
>>>> Joachim Struss, Antonia Kostarakis wrote:
>>>>> I have celeron 2.8, 1gig ram, Ubuntu studio (Feisty) and dual boot with
>>>>> xp. My graphics card is:
>>>>> 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller
>>>>> I recently installed Beryl with synaptic Package manager. I
>>>>> downloaded everything except the unstable packages. When I start the
>>>>> Beryl manager, my screen turns white. It actually does not seem to
>>>>> crash, but I do have a white cube. It also is
>>>>> very hard and slow to move this 'cube'.
>>>>> There is no way back. All icons disappear and the only way out is to
>>>>> restart.
>>>>> Could somebody please help.
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> Is it possible that Beryl does not run in Ubuntu studio at all?
>>>> I believe you need to enable the restricted driver first from System > 
>>>> Administrator > Restricted Driver Manager. After a reboot, 
>>>> berryl-manager should work (at least it does here).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Koki

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