What do you guys listen to? :)

greg emond g4gregoire at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 2 17:22:05 GMT 2007

I am french, and the first joke was very funny.  The seond one was... THE truth! I will lift my arms and kill you all with the toxic fumes that emanate from there!  vive le quebec libre!
ok enough stupid tirades....
for a good accoustic signer, I agree that ben harper is a very good choice, especially his early work. My favorite from him is the FIGHT FOR YOUR MIND album.
 There is a quebec band that played in the 70s called harmonium...They are considered by many as he best thing that came out of canada. check out there eponymous album.   
If you want something more modern and hmmm english, I would recommend anything by Shawn Phillips.
cheers, and keep on playing....and recording!> Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 12:53:20 -0500> From: coryisatm at nc.rr.com> To: ubuntu-studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com> Subject: Re: What do you guys listen to? :)> > D. Michael McIntyre wrote:> > On Saturday 01 December 2007, Luis de Bethencourt wrote:> >> > > >> Ooops, copy and pasted from my browser and didn't realize the .es> >> sorry> >> > >> > You will be forgiven if you get down on your knees and repeat after me:> >> > El inglés es el único idioma en todo el mundo que importa. Cuando escribo en > > el internet de Al Gore, el cual él inventó antes de irse para cazar a > > Manbearpig, sólo hablaré en inglés, sólo pensaré en inglés, solo creeré en > > inglés, inglés sobre todos los demás, inglés sobre todo el mundo y todo el > > universo, y nunca hablaré JAMÁS en castellano.> >> > Amen.> > > > Ok. That was funny.> > > Then flagellate yourself for at least two hours, send a picture of your > > shredded, bloody back, and the G. W. Bush Commission for the Preservative of > > the Important's of Talking Rightly will put you on probation for not less > > than one year.> >> > Fail to do these things, and there's no telling what might happen to you and > > all your frog friends, Frenchie.> >> > That's right, FRENCHIE, we know who you are, and we're coming to take you down > > so we can put the FREEDOM back in FREEDOM FRIES!!! You and all your other > > little Frenchie frog friends, like Andres Londoño, Pietro Bergamo, > > Asmo Koskinen, Hartmut Noack, but not Laurent Bellegarde. I'm pretty sure > > Laurent is one of the few people on this list who isn't French, and THANK GOD > > AND OLD GLORY FOR THAT!> > > > This was not. And not that in the right context it wouldn't be. It's> just that with it being cold text, many people will not get it. There> are also language issues to think about.> > I'm sure in person this is a joke but on ye-old-interweb here who knows> how someone will take it.> > So I ask please everyone just for the sake of good feelings please> refrain from religious or political jokes or rants. ;)> > -Cory \m/> > -- > Ubuntu-Studio-users mailing list> Ubuntu-Studio-users at lists.ubuntu.com> Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-studio-users
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