[Ubuntu Studio] Color profiling in Ubuntu Studio
the.peregrine at suddenlink.net
the.peregrine at suddenlink.net
Sun Aug 26 20:22:43 BST 2007
Maybe Marco is the only one writing about it now, but he certainly isn't the only one concerned about it. And Marco, I hope you continue to be part of the discussion because progress is only made when we are frustrated with the status quo! When I first tried the GiMP a couple of years ago, it was pitiful compared to Photoshop. But the improvements have been constant and very significant.
I will stay with Linux and I hope to be part of the solution. Although I'm not a programmer, I can sure be a beta tester. I've beta-tested Microsoft products (and paid a lot of money to do it) for about 30 years now!
Ubuntu has made enormous progress in a few short years, and I believe even more progress is just over the horizon. I still use Windows XP, but I will be happy to leave it behind. I have one computer running regular Ubuntu and another with Ubuntu Studio. I will never spend a dime on Vista or any future Microsoft operating system. Just as Linux grows more appealing every year, Microsoft becomes more of a burden.
I'm a longtime user of Quark XPress and Pagemaker. I like what I see developing with Scribus, and it runs well for me with only a few occasional problems. It also exports to PDF format, which is great for professional printing. I think these issues with color will be resolved if we stay involved and keep asking for them! Nothing is free, and I'd rather give some of my time to making a better product than spend my money for an operating system that only gets more bloated and intrusive.
The first release of Ubuntu Studio is VERY impressive to me. I'm just as interested in sound as in publishing, so I'm probably a bit unusual, but I'm completely blown away when I think that this is only the beginning for Ubuntu Studio. It's a GREAT beginning and I know it will only get better if we stay involved as a community.
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