[ubuntu-studio-devel] Updates from me

Ross Gammon rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Sun Nov 22 09:08:29 UTC 2020

Hi Erich,

On 17/11/2020 18:54, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> Also, during the previous cycle, somehow I got the attention of the
> people behind the Kubuntu Focus project, which is the laptop with the
> Kubuntu brand on it. You can check it out at kfocus.org. It is one
> powerhouse of a machine! That said, they have reached-out to me and
> hired me to do their packaging for the machine-specific repositories
> that ship with the laptop for things such as power management and other
> optimizations, and to keep their "curated software" maintained in a
> backports repository of sorts since they stick with the LTS release. For
> now, it is a temporary, part-time position.

Congratulations on the new job. It was on my radar to look into a new
Development laptop. The current one was a "what is the cheapest laptop
you have?" purchase on the way through the airport to FOSDEM in Brussels!
US-based Debian Developers have been offered discounts from Lenovo, but
so far this doesn't apply for European DDs.
Kfocus looks interesting. Do you know if there are plans to ensure a
smooth upgrade to the next LTS? I would hate to be trapped on 20.04
relying on backports forever.
So far all of my Ubuntu Studio machines are desktop units as I have
never had the need to do music on the run (all of my instruments are too
big to carry, and I rarely get a project to the mixing stage that can't
wait a few weeks anyway). :-) But I would probably use the US installer
anyway to overlay Ubuntu Studio so that the possibility was there.

> That said, since it has become my day job, it is now my focus (no pun
> intended). I'm not leaving Ubuntu Studio, but I want to make you aware
> of my time commitment. As part of this, I'm reserving evenings and
> weekends for time with my family. I have no problem answering questions
> via IRC/Matrix, but if I don't respond on the weekends, just know that
> this is why.

Enjoy your weekends!


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