[ubuntu-studio-devel] Updates from me
Erich Eickmeyer
eeickmeyer at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 17 17:54:55 UTC 2020
Hi all,
I just thought I'd share some updates with what has been going on.
As many of you know, I was recently elected to the Ubuntu Community
Council. This is going to be a huge benefit to Ubuntu Studio and other
flavors as we now have someone on the council that comes at it with
flavors, and specifically Ubuntu Studio, in mind.
Also, during the previous cycle, somehow I got the attention of the
people behind the Kubuntu Focus project, which is the laptop with the
Kubuntu brand on it. You can check it out at kfocus.org. It is one
powerhouse of a machine! That said, they have reached-out to me and
hired me to do their packaging for the machine-specific repositories
that ship with the laptop for things such as power management and other
optimizations, and to keep their "curated software" maintained in a
backports repository of sorts since they stick with the LTS release. For
now, it is a temporary, part-time position.
Additionally, part of that is keeping the Ubuntu Studio backports
repository updated so that we're not duplicating effort. We really want
to merge the synergies of the two projects. They want to be able to
benefit from the work we've been doing with Studio via the Ubuntu Studio
installer and add that as an official "expert solution" for multimedia
types. So, this is a win-win because this merges the synergies of Ubuntu
Studio with a hardware provider. I won't be paid to work on Ubuntu
Studio *specifically* but it fits with the goals of the project for me
to keep working on it.
Another major part of my job will be managing the user experience, and
making it a great out-of-the-box Linux experience. That is coming along,
and we're even developing a welcome app, which I helped design, with the
working name "Center of Focus" that we hope to upstream into both Ubuntu
Studio and Kubuntu since it will be easily configurable.
A future idea which we have discussed would be having Ubuntu Studio
(22.04) installed by default on request. Like I said, this is one
powerhouse of a machine, so it fits perfectly in our goals for Ubuntu
Studio to be the best out-of-the-box content creation platform.
I just wanted to let you all know what was going on. I'm really excited
about this opportunity, and I encourage you to check out kfocus.org to
see this beautiful machine!
That said, since it has become my day job, it is now my focus (no pun
intended). I'm not leaving Ubuntu Studio, but I want to make you aware
of my time commitment. As part of this, I'm reserving evenings and
weekends for time with my family. I have no problem answering questions
via IRC/Matrix, but if I don't respond on the weekends, just know that
this is why.
Thanks for all you are doing!
Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader Ubuntu Studio
Council Member Ubuntu Community Council
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