[ubuntu-studio-devel] Virtual Instrument Gap and last update (Peter Reppert)
Peter Reppert
preppert at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 16:25:35 UTC 2020
Please ignore my question about audio going offline. I just had to reset a
couple of things. I may have missed the Studio Controls icon - after a
reboot, the menu was back to normal. In controls, I was able to select
"USB device that should be Master" to my external soundcard. I had also
attempted to restart pulse, but not sure whether that worked or contributed
to the fix. And made sure Jack Setup was OK. Did not test everything yet,
but I think I'm back on track and should be able to deal with it from here.
On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 8:00 AM <
ubuntu-studio-devel-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Virtual Instrument Gap and last update (Peter Reppert)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 22:59:34 -0400
> From: Peter Reppert <preppert at gmail.com>
> To: ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] Virtual Instrument Gap and last
> update
> Message-ID:
> <CAK_4AvvaQ9=qGyP=
> jbO3k2tRD508GGTLjnSV_S7ofuQSO-HmVg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi, everyone.
> I upgraded to 20.04 and updated Wine - that solved pretty much all of my
> issues. Unfortunately, the last round of updates that just came out seem to
> have wreaked havoc with audio playback and Ubuntu Studio Console has gone
> missing (and I could not reinstall it).
> Details on that below, first the *good news*;
> - New MIDI controller maps to Reaper and can set up CC#'s with VSTi's.
> - Other controller issues fixed.
> - Running Windows 10.
> - ToneLIb GFX noise canceling works.
> - Sticking with 32-bit VSTi for now, working fine.
> As to the bigger question I was trying to pose (future-proofing), I took
> some action:
> - I did update the Audio Handbook Wiki with notes based on what I
> learned doing the 20.04 upgrade. I hope to keep working on that. Please
> read and edit as you see fit.
> - I did not approach any vendors or virtual instrument makers about
> releasing/maintaining LInux versions of their software. I know it's
> pie-in-the-sky, but ideally, Linux users should voice their preference
> to
> run software natively instead of relying on Wine.
> - Instead I asked a couple of YouTube channels who review music
> free/shareware to review Ubuntu Studio if they have not already done
> so. If
> I see other appropriate places, I'll keep making the same suggestion.
> Power
> in numbers.
> - This laptop still won't meet the specs for some of the latest and
> greatest plugins, but now that's purely a hardware issue. If I have
> maxed
> out the RAM, I'll just replace this laptop. In the meantime, it's not
> like
> there aren't oodles of virtual synths available.
> This should possibly be a separate thread, but now I've mentioned it...
> I don't know for certain that the last update caused my audio problem.
> Sound is choppy as in a square wave, regular interval. This is with the
> DAW, audio player, browser, anything that makes sound. I should add all
> Jack audio connections that had been set up were disconnected. Connecting
> Pulse to system out makes the choppy sound, otherwise it's mute. And there
> are suddenly a lot of subfolders exploded in the Audio/Effects menu, I
> think because U. Studio Controls vanished. There's been an alert pop-up
> "found a problem with you system. notify?" from the time I first upgraded
> last Friday, so maybe that's the real origin of this bug. Did not look at
> error log yet and don't know what diagnostics to run. For now I was just
> wondering if this is just me or a* known issue*? I'm on an older Lenovo
> ThinkPad.
> Thanks again for the suggestions, they really helped!
> Pete
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