[ubuntu-studio-devel] LMMS & Calf: The Ongoing Saga

Ross Gammon rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Sat Feb 2 09:56:12 UTC 2019

Hi All,

The problem with the calf plugin is fixed in Debian! lmms now only
recommends calf-ladspa or whatever it was called, instead of Depending
on it, which was wrong!

The problem now, is that even though the new Debian version of lmms
builds fine on all architectures, it does not build on ppc64el in
Ubuntu. Therefore this latest version is stuck in -proposed.

I have not had time to understand what the difference in build
environment is between Debian and Ubuntu, or whether it is because the
build dependencies are different.

I have not had time to contact upstream about it either. It will not be
a fun discussion anyway, as we are several versions behind upstream, and
they are up to v1.2.0-rc7, so are probably working on getting the final
release ready.

The temporary fix is simple (to stop the LiveCD failure). Revert the
seeds change and exclude lmms.

Another possibility, is to upload an Ubuntu version changing the Depends
to Recommends. But then I am worried we will run into GCCv8 build
failures on amd64 & i386 which is the other fix included in the latest
Debian version.

Hopefully I will have a chance to dig further this weekend, but I can't
guarantee it.

PS: I will do the temporary fix now though. That is easy.

On 2/1/19 6:59 AM, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> Because that’s not how it works. If it’s in upstream Debian, it is in
> Ubuntu. Remember, Ubuntu Studio is not a separate distribution from
> Ubuntu. Therefore, when a package is in Debian, we work with that.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* ubuntu-studio-devel
> <ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com> on behalf of Jonathan
> Aquilina <jaquilina at eagleeyet.net>
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 31, 2019 9:56 PM
> *To:* Ubuntu Studio Development
> *Subject:* Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] LMMS & Calf: The Ongoing Saga
> What about not pulling the package from Debian due to this and compiling
> it specifically for US?
> *From:*ubuntu-studio-devel
> <ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com> *On Behalf Of *Erich
> Eickmeyer
> *Sent:* 01 February 2019 06:56
> *To:* Ubuntu Studio Development <ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] LMMS & Calf: The Ongoing Saga
> Yes. The Calf developers have and were met with the response of a brick
> wall. Ross is working on it.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:*ubuntu-studio-devel <ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com>> on behalf of
> Jonathan Aquilina <jaquilina at eagleeyet.net <mailto:jaquilina at eagleeyet.net>>
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 31, 2019 9:54 PM
> *To:* Ubuntu Studio Development
> *Subject:* Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] LMMS & Calf: The Ongoing Saga
> Has anyone tried to speak to the maintainer to try and ascertain the
> reasoning behind it?
> Regards,
> Jonathan
> *From:*ubuntu-studio-devel <ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com>> *On Behalf Of
> *Erich Eickmeyer
> *Sent:* 01 February 2019 06:43
> *To:* Ubuntu Studio Development <ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>>
> *Subject:* Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] LMMS & Calf: The Ongoing Saga
> LMMS isn’t the problem.  The problem was erroneous packaging by the
> Debian packager.
> The ladspa version of the Calf plugins were never meant to be exposed to
> other applications besides LMMS, but the packager of LMMS in Debian
> decided to expose the ladpsa version to the rest of the system against
> the advice of both the Calf and LMMS developers.
> Erich
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:*ubuntu-studio-devel <ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com>> on behalf of
> Jonathan Aquilina <jaquilina at eagleeyet.net <mailto:jaquilina at eagleeyet.net>>
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 31, 2019 9:39 PM
> *To:* Ubuntu Studio Development
> *Subject:* Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] LMMS & Calf: The Ongoing Saga
> Has anyone even subscribed to the lmms mailing list to discuss this
> there and maybe get it squared away once and for all?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-studio-devel <ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com>> On Behalf Of
> erich at ericheickmeyer.com <mailto:erich at ericheickmeyer.com>
> Sent: 01 February 2019 00:49
> To: Ubuntu Studio Development <ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>>
> Subject: [ubuntu-studio-devel] LMMS & Calf: The Ongoing Saga
> Hi everyone,
> Specifically to Ross: where are we at with this bane-of-our-existence
> conflict (LP: 1810534)? ISO builds are still failing and will probably
> fail until we can get lmms from Debian to build properly.
> So, any more word?
> Thanks,
> Erich
> -- 
> ubuntu-studio-devel mailing list
> ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
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