[ubuntu-studio-devel] ISO Tests

Ross Gammon rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Fri Apr 26 13:54:49 UTC 2019

Hi Len,

I have uploaded a new ubuntustudio-controls (v1.8) that fixes things so
us-controls starts with the settings from the last saved config file.

Your changes in git (mentioned below) did not seem to have been pushed,
so unless you were working in a branch, you might have trouble rebasing
on my changes. Sorry about that in advance.

Over the weekend, I will start on an SRU for disco.



On 4/16/19 11:42 PM, Len Ovens wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Apr 2019, Thomas Pfundt wrote:
>> Most of the test cases worked fine, but in my live system and the
>> first boot on
>> the full install, I wasn't able to get any sound with Controls alone.
> I should ask what kind of Which sound card first off. Assuming the
> system uses pulse for something before controls is started, Pulse will
> turn the audio card up... if it knows which controls do this. So my old
> Delta 66 has never come up on a new install with sound coming out unless
> I turn it up using mudita24, alsa mixer or qasmixer. It may be
> reasonable to allow qasmixer to be opened from within controls for this
> reason.
>> I don't know what exactly the issue was, but I had to reboot once for
>> it to work
>> (it was set to load on startup). Is this something to be expected or
>> should I
>> investigate this further? (I still have the test system installed the
>> way it
>> was.)
> On first startup, jackd should not be running but pulse should be. Once
> controls is used start jack, it should be running on the next boot if it
> was running at shutdown.
> While my personal opinion, is that the most stable way to run audio is
> to always run jack as the backend for pulse, there may be those who's
> main focus is graphics, animation or video and would like to have every
> bit of cpu possible available for rendering. These people may want just
> pulse on their system and probably do want hyperthreading and Boost
> enabled, both of which are bad for low latency audio. (USB is bad for
> low latency audio as well, but that is what we are generally left with
> that most of us can afford) So there need to be choices and sane
> defaults. In the case of jcak starting at session start, My feeling is
> that in most cases the user needs to set latency and device the first
> time they run the system anyway (the default device on my system has no
> speakers hooked to it as it is only used for it's MIDI port)
>> Otherwise, great UI. Very clear and easy to understand. I'd suggest
>> though that
>> it could be helpful to see the current Jack status (running or off),
>> else there
>> isn't a clear response from the start/restart button.
> Already been changed in git.
> Controls is under active development (along with installer and soon to
> be menu_wrecker)
> -- 
> Len Ovens
> www.ovenwerks.net

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