[ubuntu-studio-devel] Some thoughts, frustrations, and considerations.

Otávio Soares osinforum at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 15:16:12 UTC 2018

Em 21 de set de 2018 13:55, "Erich Eickmeyer" <erich at ericheickmeyer.com>

> Hi everybody,
> As many of you know, Eylul stepped-down from the core leadership of
> Ubuntu Studio on Saturday. With Eylul's departure, we lost one of our
> key developers. She had planned on stepping-down, so this was not
> completely unforseen, and she isn't the only one who wishes to depart.
> He can correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my understanding that Len was
> looking at stepping-down when the timing was right as well.  This has me
> rethinking some of the ideas we've had with the less-than handful of
> people we have working on this project.
> When Ubuntu Studio was born, it started as an add-on to the existing
> GNOME-based Ubuntu install. Those that were there can correct me if I'm
> wrong, but as I understand it, the first ISO came about with Xfce as the
> desktop when Ubuntu went to Unity. With Unity no longer a major factor,
> I asked the team to explore other desktops, and, with Len's
> recommendation, Plasma was chosen as a viable alternative to Xfce.
> Unfortunately, getting an ISO spun-up with Plasma as the desktop has
> proven to be more of a pain than previously thought because we'd
> essentially be creating a new "flavor" of Ubuntu which has to go through
> all of the steps necessary to make that happen. With our dwindling
> numbers and lack of time to dedicate to a project that got too tedious,
> I recommend we abandon this project.
> Also, creating Ubuntu Studio Welcome and the boutique to replace
> -installer have proved to be nearly impossible without help that I
> simply don't have.
> Another frustration is that it is nearly impossible to get packages
> updated, and if they're synced from Debian it is even more difficult.
> For example, I worked on and got the new version of Calf (0.90.0 which
> has been out since November with a point release to 0.90.1 in July)
> updated, and since it gets pulled-in from Debian, I had to go to the
> Debian Multimedia Team to get it updated, only to find that there was
> someone already working on it without the point release (0.90.0), but it
> hadn't yet made its way into Debian Testing or Unstable. The upstream
> developers had released it in November and it's STILL not in Debian
> Testing or Unstable. It shouldn't take 10 months to update a major
> release of a project. Fedora doesn't have this problem because they
> don't have an upstream project from which to pull as they ARE the
> upstream, and already have the 0.90.1 package! Updating a project
> shouldn't have so many hoops through which to jump!
> The biggest roadblock we have is the lack of active MOTUs on the team. I
> would apply, but I don't feel as though I'm qualified since I've had
> nobody to mentor me in package development. Additionally, we've been
> unable to attract any dedicated MOTUs.
> If Ubuntu Studio is to survive, I believe it might be time for another
> approach which would bring Ubuntu Studio closer to its roots. My
> proposal is to keep Ubuntu Studio's ISO as Xfce, but to develop
> metapackages that bolt Ubuntu Studio on to an existing install of
> another flavor. There are a couple of different approaches to this: 1)
> the metapackage pulls-in the required configureation files to simply add
> some essential configuration such as the lowlatency kernel selection in
> GRUB, or , or 2) pull-in said configuration and rebrand the install to
> Ubuntu Studio. The other day, I took an afternoon and packaged something
> to demonstrate the #2 option above on a default Ubuntu (GNOME) install
> and it worked perfectly. This would require at least one MOTU to be
> dedicated to this project.
> There is yet another option, one that I don't like, but it was proposed
> from outside this mailing list when I first got involved. Perhaps Ubuntu
> Studio, as a downloadable flavor, has run its course. We're no longer in
> a world where people have to download whole ISOs to get the software
> they need quickly since it's all available in the repos and most people
> have a high-speed connection. This world no longer requires that every
> single piece of software be included in an ISO. Additionally, community
> support is dwindling, and Ubuntu Studio has gone from the premiere
> multimedia distribution to the one people are staying away from, with
> referrals to what are now arguably more successful projects for audio
> (KXStudio and AVLinux). Perhaps it's time to sunset the flavor.
> I'd appreciate your thoughts. Overall, I understand now why there has
> been so much burn-out in the Ubuntu Studio development community.
> Erich
> --
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