[ubuntu-studio-devel] availability of alternate DEs

jaquilina at eagleeyet.net jaquilina at eagleeyet.net
Sun Oct 7 06:17:23 UTC 2018


I do like this direction things are going to be fair with the below 

Just some food for thought. Let us say i install normal ubuntu. if i 
install the meta package for kde version of studio obviously the gnome 
stuff will be removed and then the new KDE stuff will be installed 

On 2018-10-03 17:07, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> To answer the initial question, Plasma will not be installable from an
> ISO, but will be available in the repositories. Unfortunately spinning
> a new iso for Plasma has proven to be time prohibitive, so a direction
> that is being considered is to add a meta package to a Kubuntu install
> to convert it into Ubuntu Studio (and have metapackages available to
> convert other flavors as well). Yes, that adds an extra step, but
> it’s the most logical solution considering our manpower and time
> allotment.
> Erich
> -------------------------
> FROM: 20104043740n behalf of
> SENT: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 9:17 AM
> TO: Ubuntu Studio Development
> SUBJECT: Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] availability of alternate DEs
>   It would be interesting to have end users choose which DE they want.
> as
> it stands everyone one has their own preferene I prefer KDE others on
> this list like gnome.
> Regards,
> Jonathan
> On 2018-10-03 15:31, Charlie wrote:
>> will KDE plasma be available upon release of the final version of
>> 18.10 or will it be offered later? or will it be an option during
>> installation?
>> Charlie Luna
> --
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