[ubuntu-studio-devel] availability of alternate DEs

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Fri Oct 5 17:35:01 UTC 2018

On Fri, 5 Oct 2018, Ross Gammon wrote:

> Is it not possible to install the kubuntu metapackage (or one of them)
> on a Ubuntu Studio install and then chose the DE when logging in?
> If that was possible, then we could add a new metapackage to our
> ubuntustudio seeds that could be optionally installed, and then switch
> the seeds to that metapackage once we are happy.

Probably some of us are just hard of thinking :) That would increase the 
ISO size by the size of the plasma meta, though the resulting ISO would 
probably still fit on a DVD (if those are still a thing). DL time would go 
up yet a again. It would, at this point, be a next cycle thing of course. 
We would need at least an optional -plasma-desktop package, but more 
realistically we would need to split -default-settings into 
-default-setting and -xfce-desktop (replace "desktop" with "settings" if 

I guess it is possible for the plasma part to be dl and install during ISO 
install rather than included on the ISO. So there might be a default DE on 
the ISO, but at install time a different DE could be selected. I do not 
know how to do that, but the installer already DL and installes non-free 
packages so there must be a way.

Len Ovens

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