[ubuntu-studio-devel] Saturday Meetings Update

Thomas Pfundt captain-tux at protonmail.ch
Thu Apr 5 20:37:20 UTC 2018

Hi everyone, 
so, since there have been no further objections, let's set our first meeting this Saturday the 7th at 19:00 UTC. 
As Len Ovens correctly notified me of, I accidentally got a little mixed up in the American time zones. 19:00 UTC is, of course, 12:00 PDT and not 10:00. I'm sorry for the confusion and hope that this is still fine or we can make it work somehow this Saturday. If possible, I'd like to keep it that way and we can directly discuss a different time for future meetings, then. 
So, the actual times would be (corrected): 
22:00 EEST/MSK in Helsinki, Moscow, Ankara 
21:00 CEST in Stockholm, Berlin, Paris, Madrid 
20:00 BST in London 
19:00 UTC/GMT 
15:00 EDT in New York, Toronto 
12:00 PDT in Los Angeles, Vancouver 
Looking forward to reading you all! :) 

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