[ubuntu-studio-devel] ubuntustudio-controls

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Thu Apr 5 17:29:44 UTC 2018

On Thu, 5 Apr 2018, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:

> This is indeed great news. I think I would favor this over Cadence. What 
> really sets Cadence apart is the Catia component (graphical patchbay), 
> but I guess one could use Patchage for the same interface, even though 
> it is out of development. Maybe it’s time to fork Patchage? I dunno…

The answer is Carla I think. It also includes a patch bay. On the other 
hand, a patch bay on it's own or as a part of -controls would make an ok 
feature request.

in other news with -controls, I have noticed that udev sometimes "resets" 
even pci/internal audio interfaces sometimes with the result that every 
interface available gets connected as a client if possible. :) This is 
really part of the same thing as being able to connect more than one USB 
device. It is all about keeping track of all audio devices. But hey, baby 
steps. Things work quite well as they are.

I also need to add autojack as a dbus service so that if it happens to not 
be running, -controls can kick it.

-controls should be considered alpha just now. But it works quite well as 
a proof of concept and probably well enough for someone who has a USB mic 
they want to use.

Len Ovens

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