[ubuntu-studio-devel] US still alive !

Erich Eickmeyer erich at ericheickmeyer.com
Mon Apr 2 14:41:21 UTC 2018

> On Apr 2, 2018, at 4:15 AM, Set Hallstrom <set at ubuntustudio.org> wrote:
> Hi Thomas! Good to read you :)
> On 2018-04-01 15:02, Thomas Pfundt wrote:
>> Hi Set and all others,
>> on the general topic: Back in February when Ross Gammon asked for
>> help with the 16.04.4 ISO-testing, he also mentioned the possible
>> formation of a new project council. Two other members of the mailing
>> list and I have already offered our assistance in our own respective
>> areas of proficiency. (I don't know if I should tentatively mention
>> their contacts, but they're probably reading reading this list and
>> can join in at their own sentiment.)
>> I've basically been waiting for a word on some kind of get-together
>> to discuss roles or division for what's on the road map, but I might
>> have misunderstood something.
> The call to get together should have been made by the project lead, that
> was me, but as it turned out, i simply couldn't.
> I do however think that projects that are driven by volunteers needs
> someone/someones to take action from the discussions. I know not
> everyone have the time, will, or initiative to do so. What I'm trying to
> say is that, if you feel you want to set-up a meeting you should feel
> free to go ahead and do so by inviting everyone to attend on a given
> date in a given chat room. :)
> For the record, for that purpose we use IRC because it is transparent,
> and discussions are logged here:
> https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
>> I'll look into signing the code of conduct myself right now and try
>> to get a better overview of the current state of everything.
>> Anyway, I'll be available throughout this year and help with what I
>> can, so "count me in".
>> Kind regards, Thomas
> Thank you very much Thomas!! <3
> --
> Set Sakrecoer
> --
> Set Hallstrom aka sakrecoer
> --
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Now that a very busy season at work has passed, I should be good for a meeting. I understand not everybody lives on the U.S. West Coast like myself, so I’m open to hearing whatever times work best.

It would be nice to know what agenda items we have, unfinished business, etc., and if anybody has the logs of the last meeting to review beforehand that would be great.

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