[ubuntu-studio-devel] Gaining Wiki Edit Permissions

Set Hallstrom set at ubuntustudio.org
Mon Apr 2 12:18:38 UTC 2018

After spinning this in my head a few times:

On 2018-04-02 13:27, Set Hallstrom wrote:
> I'm not saying it's a prefect process, and i agree that beggars can't be
> choosers. But it is my opinion that we need some kind of sign of moral
> commitment to the project, or we could as well just make everything public.

I'd like to add that there are many good reasons, as you mention, to
want to allow users to sign the CoC directly from launchpad, but
removing the manual steps would also potentially open for easier
automation of that process to spam-bots.

I have had a long and unresolved internal struggle about the dilemma of
making things easier at the cost of leveling things to lowest
denominator. On one hand, i understand that most users don't want to
struggle with computing per-se and rather get on with using the computer
for their production purpose without having to know how the tools work
behind the scene. On the other hand in an ever more digitalized society,
this makes me sad: I'd wish more users would be inclined to take control
over their tools.

I don't know what kind of process is best. But it's a question that
should be asked to ubuntu at large; ubuntustudio alone doesn't have much
say in it.

Set Hallstrom aka sakrecoer

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