[ubuntu-studio-devel] Coming Zesty Milestones

Ross Gammon rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Fri Feb 17 17:40:11 UTC 2017

Hi All,

Feature Freeze for Zesty was yesterday, so any new features need an 
exception. I have almost got an update to us-default-settings ready 
(finishing off what we didn't finish last time), and am planning an 
update to us-meta. Where did we get to with Len's work on us-controls? 
Is it ready to package & get uploaded?

It was also Debian Import Freeze day yesterday. So if there are any 
packages that we want synced from Debian from now on, we will need to 
request a sync (and a freeze exception if it contains new features).

The Beta 1 release is planned for February 23rd. We need to let the 
Release Team know if we want to take part. We normally do. Any reasons 
not to?



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