[ubuntu-studio-devel] Seeds change
lukefromdc at hushmail.com
lukefromdc at hushmail.com
Thu Apr 6 21:39:34 UTC 2017
For anything to pull in wine by default is a theoretical security risk,
due to the great many cross-platform exploits that then install
Windows-only payloads. While most of these would fail on a Linux/wine
setup due to not being invoked within wine, a malware author could
probably fix that.
A user installing wine to run a Windows binary is doing so knowingly
and is aware that Windows binaries can be run. A user expecting a
Linux machine to be unable to run Windows binaries and relying on
that for security could get a surprise if they are unaware wine is installed.
On 4/6/2017 at 3:50 PM, "Len Ovens" <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:
>On Thu, 6 Apr 2017, Len Ovens wrote:
>> The seeds have been changed which will affect our next iso, but
>I think the
>> meta packages have to be regenerated to go with it. I am not
>sure how to do
>> that.
>I should add this is in response to LP: #1672412 which will make
>lmms-vst-server not work. It will also effectivey make lp:
>#1182604 go
>away... though not in the way the OP would want I am sure.
>My opinion is that anything that drags in wine should be avoided.
>Wine is
>a great package, but it does cause stability problems with the OS
>and (as
>I found out) may replace some of the packages the n-vidia driver
>installs... and maybe others. This causes a definite performance
>hit as
>well as stability issues. The user can install this packge at any
>time if
>they choose to do so.
>The wine package of old was 32bit only, I don't know if the new
>one has a
>64bit version as well but it should as windows has moved to 64bit
>This leaves a VST host with a set of problems:
> There are two vst standards vst2 and vst3. None of the linux vst
> support vst3 at this time, though the headers have in the last
>month been
> released under a dual license one of which is GPL3 so I would
>expect that
> will change at least for lxvst.
> vst-32 will not run on 64bit systems anyway
> vst-64 will not run on 32bit systems either
> unless multiarch libs are used (think bigger iso size)
> The user has the confusion of vsts that work on one ubuntustudio
> and not another, think unsolvable bug reports like lp: #1182604
> Introducing instability for a small number of uses that in any
> case is not complete anyway is just broken.
>Len Ovens
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