[ubuntu-studio-devel] Website

Jóhann Örn Geirdal johann.orn.geirdal at gmail.com
Sat Sep 10 10:53:46 UTC 2016

Hi Sorry but I have been busy but I have all the time now for US.
I will find origins of photos
And also Set mention that the images is to low res should I redo them in
higer res it will not take me long time to do that?

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 10:45 AM, Set Hallstrom <set at ubuntustudio.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> First of, thanks to everyone who's been involved with this! It looks
> promissing so far and i remain optimistic that we will be able to have it
> ready before 16.10 release!
> tisdagen den 16:e augusti 2016 kl. 22:29:51 CEST, eylul <
> eylul at ubuntustudio.org> skrev:
>> Hi!
>> So, the bulk of the website is done, and it would be great to deploy it
>> before we have to focus on the release. This gives us until the end of
>> September or so.
> Good, i thought i was overdue that date. This sounds realistic :)
> Below is an overview of what needs done. Feel free to add to this.
>> * We need the links/licenses on stock images used in creation of the
>> background images, before we can put the site up. Even if these are CC-0,
>> it is best to have that information stored somewhere. If they are other
>> forms of creative commons, depending on the license we might need to credit
>> them.
> Yes this is very important! For the record, Geirdal seems too busy, but we
> have backup material :)
>> The keyboard photo belongs to Set. Geirdal could you give us links to the
>> rest of stock photos you used, so that we have a record of that information?
>> A good portion of the content of the website has either been
>> substantially edited, or written from scratch. Here is a list of all static
>> pages, with some notes where extra scrutiny is especially needed.
>> Could we commit to finish this review by end of August?
> ah... well seems not, lol!
>> 0) General:
>> * is the footer correct?
> looks good, though, i would suggest leaving creds to knome for the theme
> as is, but link to a textfile containing credits for the rest of the
> material instead of potentially having a miles long footer-text with
> zillions of links.
>> * is the menu correct?
>> * are we missing any critical pages or content before putting up the site?
> I would say a FAQ..(could be contained in Support maybe?) but i'm not too
> sure about what the FAQs are, except for the security disclaimer we
> discussed earlier this summer and perhaps some reccurent PAVU with JACK
> questions, the 'can i use US to create commercial work' etc... we could
> probably fill it up along peu à peu..
>> 1) Front page: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/
>> * is "downloads" link working?
>> * are social media accounts correct?
> looks correct to me. on desktop, the gap between the first container and
> the feature tour is quite big and i fear the FT might go unnoticed. Could
> we either make the gap smaller or have a button in the first container or
> in the menu with an anchor link that 'scrolls' down to the FT?
> * feature tour and general information had a few eyes on it already, but
>> it wouldn't hurt to review.
>> 2) Downloads: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/downloads/
>> * are links working? (especially the ones to 16.04).
> looks ok, but i would like to try again on a desktop (reviewing from my
> phone can't test magnet links)
> * the text is copy pasted and reformatted from the current site, but it
>> can use a quick review.
>> 3) Support: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/support/
> You guys made a great job here, eylul and krytarik \o/ its friendly and
> professional. i would like to add links to scribus wiki and inkscape forum.
> I'll provide you that next week unless you get there before ;)
>      Contribute: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/contribute/
> Same as support, my 8 thumbs up for the text! i hear the ubuntu facebook
> group is helpfull, perhaps put a link to that for those affraid of IRC? (
> yes, that came from me :D )
> * double checking of outside links, especially making sure webchat and
>> mailing list links work.
>> * these two went through some reviewing already but there are also new
>> content. Thus, it wouldn't hurt to check.
> &=(^^,)<--- me with one of my thumbs up, the other 7 don't fit in the
> frame.
> 4) Merchandise: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/merchandise/
>> * is the "legal" section information correct?
>> * any other missing/incorrect information?
> looks good to me, perhaps ttoine can chip in here? i'll poke him if he
> doesn't see this mail. :)
>> * From what I understand, we do need to have the Live Compositor plugin
>> and the child theme uploaded to the main site, before we can move the
>> content.
> i think i need to file a RT ticket for that, will take care of it next
> week... shouldn't be a problem (fingers crossed, touching wood)
>> Thanks :)
>> Best,
>> eylul
> Thank you for your drive with this eylul, it looks very promissing!! \o/
> --
> Set Hallström
> Sent from my Ubuntu pocket computer
> --
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