[ubuntu-studio-devel] Backports for Ubuntu Studio Xenial

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Tue May 3 16:33:30 UTC 2016

On Tue, 3 May 2016, Ross Gammon wrote:

> On 05/03/2016 08:01 AM, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
>> We could in fact do a round of backports for trusty, as it is still what
>> many people uses.
> I will add the table. We could try and backport all the way to Trusty
> from Yakkety via Xenial. But this gets harder if the dependencies have
> changed too much (or not even available).
> We could start on Trusty from Xenial right away of the version is still
> the same as Yakkety. Trusty users are probably more in need at the
> moment than the early Xenial adopters :-)

My advice is against that. It is true there is not anything I know for X, 
but anyone staying with T is probably doing so because they wish to finish 
a project with the version of SW that is there. (for example ardour 2 has 
a set of bugs that affect the sound of things mixed there, A3/4 will be 
able to use those sessions, but they will sound different and may need 
remixing) EQ10Q in X is not compatable with T (I tried :) but EQ10Q from W 
is ok. X is using a different version of GCC (5 not 4) and applications 
that use plugins have to use the same version for both application and 
plugin. (this is why EQ10Q beta 5.1 will work in T but 2.0 will not BTW)

The only two packages That may be worth doing are jackd and calf plugins 
(provided calf can be done with GCC4), qjackctl is not compatable with lib 
versions in T. However, anyone who does audio with Jack has already 
figured out the right workaround for jack and knows to avoid calf reverb.

Maybe things are different in graphics or video though.

Len Ovens

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