[ubuntu-studio-devel] Art Team: Ubuntustudio Design Assets questions

set public at sakrecoer.com
Fri Jan 8 09:57:23 UTC 2016

On 2016-01-08 08:54, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
> On 1/8/2016 at 2:24 AM, "set" <public at sakrecoer.com> wrote:
>> On 2016-01-07 19:38, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
>>> On 1/7/2016 at 2:08 AM, "C. F. Howlett" <cfhowlett at hotmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Precisely what Ubuntustudio brandmarks, logos or other design 
>>>> assets are approved for use? Where, exactly, can I find those
>>>> approved assets?
>>> That logo issue differs enough from the rest of the licensing we 
>> are 
>>> used to in free software that I replaced it in my 
>>> "ubuntustudio-legacy" icon set.
>> lukefromdc: Are you referring to the UbuntuStudio CoF, and if so 
>> where
>> do i find its license?
> <snip>
> http://design.ubuntu.com/brand/ubuntu-logo
> http://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/intellectual-property-policy
> These create plently of uncertainty. Canonical has never bothered me about
> using the name "ubuntustudio-legacy" for themes based on what UbuntuStudio
> used to use in the 2007-2010 era but I still wonder if they should be renamed.
> Ubuntu's "circle of friends" is trademarked, in the list of Ubuntu derived names
> UbuntuStudio does not appear but anything based on "buntu" does. Not sure
> what that means for the varients of the Circle of Friends not associated with 
> the listed offical trademarked words/versions

Do we have a trace of the written permission from canonical to use the
brand? If so, does it need to be renewed?

The kopimist in me, through my own stupefaction over how cumbersome and
silly the necessity of licenses STILL is, can relate lukefromdc's
worries. "Protect something from being protected"...? Copyright is a
strange recursive loop i want to end. Yet, because i want to end that
loop, I have no interest in ownership of my contribution to
ubuntu-studio, meaning; if canonical would, for whatever reason chose a
direction that would render ubuntu-studio unuseable for me, i would give
my thanks for the experience acquired and focus my output elsewhere.

Set Sakrecoer

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