[ubuntu-studio-devel] Art Team

C. F. Howlett cfhowlett at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 8 02:04:53 UTC 2016

Greetings Art Team et al:

I would like to test something prior to launching the 17.04 wallpaper 
contest: submitting visual content to the Ubuntu Studio Facebook group 
page.  I believe this would be more efficient and effective than the 
somewhat convoluted method we used last time.

The test format case is

1. enable FB submissions via email

2. enable mirroring FB updates to the US Twitter account

2. Announce and publicize an Ubuntu Studio Happy Holidays wallpaper sprint

3. Accept content for the sprint.

5. Evaluate pros & cons of this method.

*** I'm pretty sure we can set things so that emailed submissions are 
held pending approval.

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