[ubuntu-studio-devel] support for wine-rt out-of-box?
Set Hallstrom
set at ubuntustudio.org
Sat Aug 20 09:54:32 UTC 2016
Hi Hank!
On 2016-08-19 08:47, Hank Stanglow wrote:
> Hello, I am a Web Developer, Artist, Musician, and long time user of
> Ubuntu Studio. You guys do a great job! This distribution gives me the
> best out-of-box experience for Web Development and I find the Art and
> Publishing tools perfectly adequate for my needs.
Thank you for reaching out with your input in such an uplifting tone!
> Music and Video? Not
> so much, but this a problem for all Linux distributions. In fact, after
> seven years of fumbling with the JACK/ALSA/Pulse nightmare I've given up
> using native tools and now use WINE exclusively for audio work. Even KX
> Studio has more problems than I care to deal with and the only thing I
> take from its repos is wine-rt. If I were to make ONE suggestion for
> Ubuntu Studio it would be to have a super stable, low-latency WINE-rt
> environment for audio users (or good instructions on how to set one up).
I agree that the state of Linux in terms of Music is tougher than
mainstream OS. Since i mainly record hardware electronics, it isn't much
of an issue for me personally. But lately I've grown pretty fond of
qtractor for ITB (In The Box) production with midi controlled Software
synthesizers. I have yet to finish a song to prove my point, but while
it is a little wilder than i remember ITB production from other OS'es,
it actually works :) For video editing i always have to point towards
blender's VSE which has become pretty awesome if one has got the time to
get familiar with its GUI.
I'm not 100% sure, but i think wine isn't distributed because of the
license. However, your idea of creating good instruction on how to set
it up is an excellent one. In fact, we really need help with
documentation. If you have any spare time to share, you are welcome to
join the ubuntustudio-documentation team. Maybe pass by our IRC channel
sometime on freenode #ubuntustudio-devel and say hi?:)
> That said, I am currently NOT using Ubuntu Studio as of 16.04. This is
> because of one reason only, that is, too many bugs in Thunar. I know
> could install a different tool (pcmanfm is great), but the file manager
> is an integral part of a system and I really love Thunar above others. I
> also know this has nothing to do with Ubuntu Studio. I hope the
> XFCE/Thunar team can quickly fix their wonderful DE. As soon as they do
> I will be back with Ubuntu Studio. In the meantime I am using Ubuntu
> MATE, which is pretty good! Has you ever considered a MATE version?
> Though I imagine it would be impractical to support two desktop
> environments...
Sorry to read your issues with Thunar. I'm aware there is a problem, but
i haven't yet had to suffer it. *touching wood*. At this point, we don't
really have any plans to move to MATE, but we've had an ambition
floating for long now, to make Ubuntu Studio desktop agnostic. The main
concern in that aspect is that the team is very small ATM. Hence i allow
myself to insist again, that you are welcome to join the team and help
us make things like this become reality. :)
> Thanks for your hard work and have a super day,
> Hank
Thank you for your uplifting email! I hope we will hear from you soon
again! Have a great weekend!
Set Hallstrom aka sakrecoer
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