[ubuntu-studio-devel] Please help testing ardour5 for yakkety

Ross Gammon rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Sat Aug 20 09:10:48 UTC 2016

On 08/19/2016 09:15 AM, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> Actually, not all of the packages are published on the PPA yet, but for
> yakkety it's just a matter of minutes. xenial should follow within an
> hour, with any luck.
> And, to be clear, you need to add the PPA no matter how you decide to
> test. So, at the end, always do
> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntustudio-dev/dev-testing
> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Thanks for looking after this Kaj. It's been a busy week for me.

It took me a while to get my Yakkety VM up-to-date. Ardour 5 (ppa
version) installs fine for me. I ran the Manual Test Case
for Ardour, and had no problems until the end when I was fiddling with
Jack to get some sound, and the VM crashed. Probably just the VM's fault
(and because I didn't set up "High" latency first). I will try again
over the weekend with real hardware.

Do you plan to produce a new version for sponsorship in Debian (I saw
your commit)? Or I could help take care of that?

By the way. I subscribed you (and the sponsors team) to my packaging of
the new package list version (blueprint) of the -meta package (but
forgot to ping you):


I will re-base this on top of your recent "drop Ardour" version, but it
would be nice to get this in before the final beta. Or would you prefer
to wait until after the "restore Ardour" event?



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