[ubuntu-studio-devel] 16.10 Beta 1 Freeze
Kaj Ailomaa
zequence at mousike.me
Sat Aug 20 09:01:47 UTC 2016
On Sat, Aug 20, 2016, at 10:53 AM, Set Hallstrom wrote:
> tisdagen den 16:e augusti 2016 kl. 22:55:37 CEST, Set Hallstrom
> <set at ubuntustudio.org> skrev:
> >
> > Ok, thanks guys! I'll let the release team know we are in.
> > Regarding the theme changes, if i understood Kaj correctly on IRC today,
> > we have until UI freeze on September 8th to land them...
> >
> > Yours,
> I reached out and i've been asked who is holding it from our side. I
> assumed Ross would, but the question made me realise he hasn't answered
> yet
> and might be too busy, in which case i guess i could do it, unless there
> are some permissions needed that i don't behold. I'm reading up on the
> process anyway..
> At the moment, this page says Kaj is the contact for it:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/Beta1
> is that correct or copypasta?
> Yours,
Just change that page and put you and Ross on it instead of me - I'm not
the contact. Make those links to your LP pages as well.
I have made an announcement on the -release list about Ross being our
testing lead and also on -devel about you being project lead, but could
be someone missed or forgot that. Sooner or later they will remember who
is who.
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