[ubuntu-studio-devel] Nautilus always resets itself to icon-view upon, closing

Thomas Pfundt thomas at pfundtdesign.de
Fri Apr 22 16:34:12 UTC 2016

Hello Washington,

thank you very much for your hint. I had another look at this and it
finally worked for me. I tried setting the parameter in the dconf editor
before, but apparently I wrote "list-view" with a dash instead of an
underscore, so I assumed it does not work. Always a good idea to
double-check, so thanks again!

@ Len: Just a quick remark on the "gear wheel" that you suggested using:
I do not see a "gear wheel" anywhere when I install Nautilus on Ubuntu
Studio 15.10 or 16.04. There is a menu toggle button, but it only gives
options related to the currently viewed folder. Normally there should be
a way of entering the preferences from the file manager's interface, but
I see no possibility to access it, because the button layout is
different from Unity and the Xfce window decorator prevents targeting
the menu bar, I believe. I haven't tested the other mentioned file
managers, yet.

With the possibility of changing the settings with the dconf-editor
however, this is absolutely usable for me. I hope this did not turn into
a technical support issue too much.

Kind regards,

On 21.04.2016 17:00, Wachín wrote:
> to work with list- or detail-view in nautilus so you need to install:
> sudo apt-get install dconf-editor
> launch it from terminal, or with the launcher Alt+F2, with:
> dconf-editor
> Go to:
> org/gnome/nautilus/preferences/default-folder-viewer
> see:
> http://storage7.static.itmages.com/i/16/0421/h_1461249276_7582161_e59392d954.png
> double clic in "default-folder-viewer" and chose that you want, example
> list_view:
> http://storage8.static.itmages.com/i/16/0421/h_1461249538_8654939_4b9c8192b5.png
> it is important that you recorded in your memory the name of that
> package "dconf-editor" for you easy use in next times
> Oh, I said you a new. In the repositories of 15.10 there is a package
> called dolphin4, this software I use to my main file manager, this is
> the same that dolphin but working the search option. I know is necessary
> to install dome services, but is very fantanstic. If you try to use it,
> I made some tutorials for the most necessary config:
> Extraer aquí - Comprimir (File-Roller) para dolphin
> http://facilitarelsoftwarelibre.blogspot.com/2014/11/extraer-aqui-comprimir-file-roller-para.html
> Añadir enqueue (a la cola de reproducción) al menu contextual del
> administrador de archivos dolphin
> http://facilitarelsoftwarelibre.blogspot.com/2016/02/anadir-enqueue-al-menu-contextual-del.html
> other importantly:
> kubuntu - Enabling PDF preview in Dolphin - Ask Ubuntu
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/86338/enabling-pdf-preview-in-dolphin
> from this I install:  kdegraphics-thumbnailers
> See also:
> Preview video files with Dolphin file manager
> inside the:
> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Kubuntu_Saucy_File_Managers
> from this I install:   mplayerthumbs
> Sorry my english I am spanish parlant
> God Bless,
> Washington Indacochea Delgado
> El 21/04/16 a las 07:30, Thomas Pfundt escribió:
>> work for setting the default file manager, that is a bug for sure.
>> Oh no, maybe I've not clearly described the issue with this. I am able
>> to install Nautilus and set it as the default file manager. The problem
>> is that I have not been able to access its preferences, because the
>> Xfce-menu links still open the Thunar settings and I have not been able
>> to access the Nautilus menu bar with Alt+F10 or by any other means.
>> Because of this, Nautilus always resets itself to icon-view upon
>> closing, which is a bit unfortunate, because I tend to work with list-
>> or detail-views in the folders mostly and I basically have to set this
>> every time when launching the file manager. Accessing any other settings
>> is not possible either at this point. It's really a matter of
>> convenience for me, but not being able to access an alternative file
>> manager's preferences might be an issue. Like I mentioned, I also can't
>> find a terminal command for it, such as "nautilus-preferences/-settings"
>> or anything similar.
>> I also just realised that Nautilus is not really popular among the
>> community apparently, I just haven't used any other file manager in the
>> past and I've never experienced any particular problems with it
>> personally, so this was my first choice after Thunar became too
>> impractical to use for me. If there is another favourite file manager
>> for someone here, maybe I could try that one instead and see if it works
>> better in terms of integration and stability.
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas

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