[ubuntu-studio-devel] Elementary OS

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sun Sep 20 15:06:03 UTC 2015

On Sun, 20 Sep 2015, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:

> LMMS was mentioned in this email and development is moving forward on leaps and
> bounds. We hope to soon be releasing version 1.2 with lots of new features and
> lots of bug fixes and overall code improvements. If you are a developer and would
> like to contribute to this community feel free to contact me and i can get you on
> the right mailing list etc.

Just a quick thank you for LMMS. I personally don't work that way as I do 
almost all acoustic input in a linear fashion. I know that many people do 
work that way though and so am glad it is available. I am happy to hear it 
is moving forward.

Len Ovens

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