[ubuntu-studio-devel] Packages up for removal, unless someone wants to maintain them

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Sep 10 06:47:51 UTC 2015

On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 01:14:40 +0200, Filipe Coelho wrote:
>There's some alternatives for SFZ file handling I can later implement
>if this becomes a very desired feature.

My apologies, I didn't see that mails followed.

It's not the point to provide an alternative to linuxsampler, since
linuxsampler is relatively good FLOSS Linux audio software and it
_must_ be provided by Ubuntu Studio.

Ubuntu Studio provides Ardour. Upstream claims not to support if phone
home is disabled, not to support if you don't pay for it. This is ok
for me, however, the only crime of linuxsampler is, to enforce that
their software is for free as in beer software usage only, unless you
ask to get a permission.

We also provide GPLed software from a developer who pressured other
developers, when they forked his GPLed software for FLOSS purpose, as
it's allowed by the GPL. Fons does not want that people "misuse" his
code by adding features, he is not willing to add. Take a look at the
LAD archive.

At next take a look at who are Debian multimedia maintainers or
belong to the Ubuntu Studio crew and in what projects they are
involved ;). I'm just kidding, there's no conspiracy (but some really
contribute to Ardour and not to Linuxsampler), anyway, I guess my
point of view should be understandable. Linuxsampler doesn't anything
evil, but is excluded for no good reason.


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