[ubuntu-studio-devel] Elementary OS

Jimmy Sjölund jimmy at sjolund.se
Thu Sep 3 09:59:19 UTC 2015

On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 11:02 PM, Jimmy Sjölund <jimmy at sjolund.se> wrote:

> On Wednesday, September 2, 2015, Len Ovens <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2 Sep 2015, Set Hallström wrote:
>> what it is ATM. Also, this thread made me reflect over our logo, which is
>>> clearly
>>> a mashup between the
>>> firewire logo and ubuntu logo. Now that firewire is getting obsolete,
>>> perhaps it
>>> could be remodeled?
>> Not having ever used firewire stuff, It has always looked like a mix of
>> ubuntu and an open reel to me (from tape days).
>> Hmm I always thought of the logo as the Ubuntu ring and a speaker... I
> like the logo. I am tired though and will write a longer reply on my
> thoughts on all the discussions today. To be continued...

As for the web site I am already planning to redo the theme in time for
15.10 mainly to make it responsive across platforms. I am thinking of using
the new theme Xubuntu made, if they will let us, and modify it to a Ubuntu
Studio graphic profile.

We could probably use some new screenshots but other than that I'm not
thinking of fixing stuff. What is needed to fix?

Sure we could argue that it is bike shedding as well as with the logo, but
there is a reason even Google, Apple and Microsoft change their logos and
design from time to time. Also, this is something I know how to do so I am
doing it. I can't participate in discussions or work about kernels or in
depth Jack so...

I think there are some things we need to grow the community. And we do need
to grow the community. I don't think there are any objections there.

1) A good distribution with good applications.
I think we already have that. Without this nothing else will make by
difference. But continuous improvement is important and which is why we
still work with getting Ubuntu Studio better for each release.

2) Easy and friendly support.
We have great resources and people involved here but as you all also know
we could need a lot more people working with support to users, covering the
forum, irc, mail lists and producing content for the wiki, help pages and

3) Activity on social media.
Yeah, it might seem like a marketing PR thing. Yes, it is. That's why we
need to do it more frequently. To reach out to new users and developers
they need to find out about us, and they are not going do that if we are
invisible. Sure some do, I did, but to receive a larger user base and
growing the team we need to do more than just sit around waiting for them
to show up in IRC. Of course I exaggerate, but you get my point.

In time I think maybe we should redo the logo but I think for 16.04 at the
earliest. If we are to change it at all. As we already see people are
interpreting it differently suiting their needs and beliefs. To me, that is
a good sign of a good design.

I was thinking of included a lot of quotes from earlier emails to give my
view on details, but the thread is growing fast and I can't find the time
right now. These are my broad views on the matter. I'm going with it.

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