[ubuntu-studio-devel] Elementary OS

ttoine ttoine at ttoine.net
Wed Sep 2 16:19:13 UTC 2015

You should have a look at Arturia's new usb2 compliant soundcard, they say
that this is the lowest latency ever without specific driver (however they
will provide an asio driver for windows customers)
Arturia headquarter is in my area, so I will try to visit them and test how
it is working on Ubuntu Studio when I can find time. It comes with all the
connections you might want, and without useless DSP. If it works well I
will try to buy it. I know that it is expensive. But this is really a game
changer for Linux users ! (Even RME is redesigning its Babyface.)

The fact is I know well what means starting from scratch a project like
that, for I did it with Ubuntu Studio. So I am confident this is possible:
we already changed the idea of "producing multimedia with GNU/Linux must be
possible out of the box" in something concrete. Know we need to go ahead
and make it really easy to attract new users.

Of course I can update things. You too. But not alone. We can't do it
alone: we can't buy all the hardware, test it, write doc and help debug. I
did that in the past, until 2008, when I had my company, and no family. It
costs a lot!!! If the RME driver and Echo driver are working on Ubuntu,
this is because I bought sound cards, test them and helped to fix the
alsa-firmware package. At the beginning, alsa-firmware was even not
available in Ubuntu repositories at all. But I can not be a sponsor
anymore. So we need new sponsors, and active contributors who own other

That is my purpose: how can we attract users, create a more active
community, that would be able to create and maintain useful resources? I am
not sure anymore that Ubuntu Studio is still the best way. This is why I
started this thread on the mailing list.

If you follow professional multimedia production news, you will feel that
the industry is looking at Linux as alternative to OS X. Nowadays, many big
production systems are already running on GNU/Linux, some new cameras are
running a Linux based firmware. Many big studios and broadcasting companies
are using Linux based NAS for storing and sharing the data. Canonical won
several contracts to create multimedia Cloud Storage.

What the industry and users need is to see that there is an active project,
concrete, stable, long term, documented, with a dedicated forum. But nobody
is providing that.

With Ubuntu Studio, we have:
 - A website without a clear editorial line, that we can't host without
 - Our wiki is lost on Ubuntu help
 - We have a small section in the huge Ubuntu forum
 - We can't make promotional stuffs, partnership, official recommendation
from manufacturers and editors, crowdfunding or whatever... money is
forbidden. I had to fight for months to have a licence to make our
Spreadshirt shop, and Canonical is still after me from time to time about

What is important is not what picture we put for the default background, or
if we should choose XFCE vs Unity. This look'n feel or technical stuff.

What is important is how to create something to answer user needs. This is
the foundation of a project.

Antoine THOMAS
Tél: 0663137906

2015-09-02 17:00 GMT+02:00 Kaj Ailomaa <zequence at mousike.me>:

> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015, at 04:47 PM, ttoine wrote:
> > While this is interesting for advanced users, those information are not
> > accurate and not updated...
> >
> Please help updating it.
> > For beginners this is still complicated. And there is nothing about
> > professional video equipment.
> >
> That is because no one has put it there yet. And, if it's too
> complicated, please simplify it.
> >
> > Antoine THOMAS
> > Tél: 0663137906
> >
> All I'm saying it's not smart having to start from scratch, especially
> if there are already people committed to doing something for existing
> organizations, and that there already is some kind of framework for how
> to do things.
> Having ideas is great, but at some point one needs to figure out how to
> realize them as well.
> Who is going to create this new database you are talking about?
> --
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