[ubuntu-studio-devel] Elementary OS

ttoine ttoine at ttoine.net
Wed Sep 2 16:23:38 UTC 2015

> I think i want to try compile something like that. I'm stating this with
> reserve because my schedule is
> what it is ATM. Also, this thread made me reflect over our logo, which is
> clearly a mashup between the
> firewire logo and ubuntu logo. Now that firewire is getting obsolete,
> perhaps it could be remodeled?
> A corporate identity lifting is a lot of work, but that would go in the
> direction ttoine was mentioning:
> Yes, for in 2006, Firewire was one of the best option for audio and video
recording and a standard for the industry.

Yes, we have to take care, for changing an identity cost time. That is why
I am considering an entire new project with another name: that might be
faster than to work with Canonical (they will have to register a new logo,
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