[ubuntu-studio-devel] Elementary OS

ttoine ttoine at ttoine.net
Wed Sep 2 08:09:12 UTC 2015

Kdenlive or other free softwares are ok for editing short or long projects,
with or without compositing and effetcs. However, most the time, open
source video editor can not work with broadcast quality (timecode sync on
video and audio, 4 audio tracks, ...)

I agree with Len, you don't need a pcie sound card, pci is fast enough for
audio (actually, usb2 is fast enough...) RME did new pcie version of their
card likely for the mac pro. And the RME driver has been developed by an
independant guy, not by RME officially. This guy may not have the time
anymore to work on the driver. Or he still have a pci RME soundcard, and he
might find that this is good enough.
About midi jitter with usb sound cards, I don't know. I use an Akai pmd18
without any issue. If there are some tests I can do to check, let me know.
It might also depend on the midi chipset, no ?

Antoine THOMAS
Tél: 0663137906

2015-09-02 4:27 GMT+02:00 Len Ovens <len at ovenwerks.net>:

> On Tue, 1 Sep 2015, ttoine wrote:
> Hardware:
>>  - Most of Blackmagic hardware work great with Linux for video
>>  - I would recommand to avoid PCI sound card now, and use USB2 compliant
>> sound
>> card instead: I can work at 3ms of latency without issues with Focusrite,
>> Presonus or Allen & Heath devices, and we can expect to have less with
>> Arturia's
>> Audiofuse (can't wait to test it)
> unless you have a working pci IF already. There are still new mother
> boards with working pci slots, mine has three. I don't know about buying a
> pci card though. I might buy a pcie AI like one of the AudioScience boards
> if it fit my needs, but USB would give more bang for the buck for sure.
> To take this one step farther, I think it is reasonable to assume that
> most Studio users will have a USB AI and default tweaks/setup in that
> direction. Those with a PCI will likely have some experience setting it up.
> Your breadth of experience is very helpful.
> --
> Len Ovens
> www.ovenwerks.net
> --
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