[ubuntu-studio-devel] Package Testing

flocculant at gmx.co.uk flocculant at gmx.co.uk
Sun Oct 11 11:44:10 UTC 2015

On 11/10/15 11:07, flocculant at gmx.co.uk wrote:
> Picking up from where elfy left off.
> There are currently 49 bugs on the package tracker. Which is a lot - 
> makes it hard for people to even think about starting to deal with it.
> I'll add the list of what apps testcases are expected to be written 
> for to the bottom of the mail.
> I don't use Ubuntu Studio so it's hard to know which is a standalone 
> application and which are plugins for other applications you seed. So 
> if something in the list is used within something else - it doesn't 
> need a test itself, but needs testing as part of the other app, can 
> someone mark those in the list if they can't be tested alone. I can 
> mark the bug then and the list becomes smaller.
> So, to use the package tracker - there needs to be a Launchpad Release 
> Team - does Studio have one? (This is how rights to edit the tracker 
> are set up)
> A few questions :
>   * What appetite is there amongst you to both write the tests and
>     keep them up to date?
>   * What do you expect to gain? Is it worth the effort? Someone needs
>     to watch the tracker - check reported bugs?
> It might be that you're better off as you are - without using the tracker.
> regards
> [snip]
Something I neglected to mention - testcases like this work best when 
they're short.

So if it would take a while (maybe 30 minutes min) to run something - 
thinking about audio/graphic production then I'm not sure about the value.

You might be better exploratory testing - probably what you do - that is 
run with the dev version and report bugs.


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