[ubuntu-studio-devel] wily-dvd-i386.iso

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Mon Jun 8 22:59:26 UTC 2015

On Tue, 9 Jun 2015, rue wrote:

>  I don't get a white screen when booting just a black screen and then the light
> dm login window.  I've noticed the nice boot anamation when booting live mode
> does not work after you have installed it to your HDD., which is a shame teally,
> its the best one out there

I get the boot animation in both places, booting to ISO and booting after 
install. Getting the animation or not generally has to do with the video 
driver. I have had that off and on when I had the nvidia graphics... I 
think when I was using the free drivers. The white screen I get is instead 
of the login window... or hiding the login window.

Len Ovens

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