[ubuntu-studio-devel] ubuntu-studio-devel Digest, Vol 104, Issue 32

C. F. Howlett cfhowlett at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 20 14:47:53 UTC 2015

Can you suggest alternatives, Ralf?
> Message: 3 Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 10:20:56 +0100 From: Ralf Mardorf 
> <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> To: ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com 
> Subject: [ubuntu-studio-devel] deviantart - Was: ubuntu-studio-devel 
> Digest, Vol 104, Issue 30 Message-ID: 
> <20151220102056.1a206801 at archlinux.localdomain> Content-Type: 
> text/plain; charset=UTF-8 On Sat, 19 Dec 2015 21:44:51 -0500, WMID wrote:
>> >http://ubuntu-studio-da.deviantart.com/
> Advertising from the above link:
> "Thai Dating and Singles
> It's showing the picture of a very, very young "women".
> I'm sure that this isn't meant with the Ubuntu philosophy of "humanity
> towards others".
> When I visited the above link it came with "only" 15 trackers.
> "DeviantArt is the world?s largest source of high-quality,
> artist-generated visual content and attracts users from every
> demographic possible. We proudly guarantee 100% brand-safe advertising
> opportunities. It starts here. We set the course together.
> Let us show you how to access the largest and most influential
> community of culture creators and culture responders in the world.
> Discover the opportunities to enter this current with your brand. Reach
> 65 million people drenched in the creative zeitgeist of pop culture
> fandom." -http://deviantartads.com/
> It shouldn't become the Ubuntu Studio PR policy to contribute to any
> criminal crap on this planet. One reason to use Linux is to stay away
> from data mining, admass and spin.

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