[ubuntu-studio-devel] Manual Test Cases
public at sakrecoer.com
Thu Dec 17 09:07:32 UTC 2015
Thank you Ross!
On 2015-12-17 08:13, Ross Gammon wrote:
> Done - I don't like to hold up such productive people! See link on
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Testing/Testcases
> I only created one bug as I assume they are part of the same source
> package. Confirming this is difficult when searching online reveals a
> lot of broken links :-)
> Let me know if it is not right to lump the two tests together in one
> test case.
They both have different GUI and menu entries, but one test-case is
probably enough, given it includes both :)
> Regards,
> Ross
> PS: There is a link near the top of that page to report missing test
> cases. You can always look at a previous bug to copy the style.
Great!! :)
> On 2015-12-17 04:35, WMID wrote:
>> Good idea to make a manual, I hope to see
I was also confused by the name at first; manual test-cases. Was it
about writing manuals? Was it about testing the software? Shows up this
is about creating a "manual" on how test the programs, so many other
people can try the same things manually in a program, instead of a robot
testing it automatically, and together make sure the software works as
expected. Everything we write here ends-up like this:
However, send your question regarding phatch to the user-list, and i
will help you get familiar with it :) It's easier to write a manual from
questions. :)
Set Sakrecoer
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