[ubuntu-studio-devel] Presentation, Set Hallstrom

Set Hallstrom sakrecoer at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 21:37:38 UTC 2015


I appreciate your written enthusiasm and straight-forwardness very much,
thank You for the warm welcome! :)

Let's get down to this :)
On 2015-04-28 15:26, Len Ovens wrote:

> We have 5 work flows for  artistic work and the audio is the best
> developed/understood. Someone who does graphic arts and can look at
> our graphics work flow (photography and video too) and tell us what
> is missing, what is just not really useful, what system settings
> would be best, would be very helpful.

This i would gladly assist to achieve. It would be very nice to get in
contact with the persons and channels to feed with my assistance. I
write this implicitly hoping these persons read this present thread, but
i will also actively try to reach out via IRC. :)

> Some of the things we want to do:
> - include an application that helps the user get audio setup right.
>     -makes sure they have RT priv
>     -finds audio interfaces and lets the user set the right one
>     -allows running jackdbus as the desktop audio backend
>     -allows changing jack parameters

I would very much appreciate sitting on the audience/testing bench for
the audio workflow. I have way too profane concept of signals and 0's
for being allowed to fiddle with the roots of audio-signals in digital
realms. But then again, this weakness makes me adapt to systems in ways
that, as a test subject, might be of interest to you.

> - allow DE choice at install time. We already allow workflow
> application
> - (re)create an application installer specific to Studio
> - adjust our thinking to dealing with a DE that is effectively
> menuless


I will galdly assist in this. As it may relate to the graphics as stated

On 2015-04-28 16:49, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:

> You are more then welcome to join developing Ubuntu Studio.

> If you have any questions, just ask and we will assist.

Thank you for giving me a proper starting node :) I will take those
steps and get back thru a more distinctive threads then this... um..
presentation-thread :)

On 2015-04-28 12:02, Ralf Mardorf wrote:> On Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:12:03
> Now I would like to add a joke about the claim that he's "happy" and a
> "human", but unfortunately I don't speak English fluently.
> There's a joke in German, form a well known German:
> "Menschlichkeit". — Wir halten die Tiere nicht für moralische Wesen.
> Aber meint ihr denn, dass die Tiere uns für moralische Wesen halten? —
> Ein Tier, welches reden konnte, sagte: "Menschlichkeit ist ein
> Vorurteil, an dem wenigstens wir Tiere nicht leiden." - Friedrich
> Nietzsche
> Regards,
> Ralf

Ralf, vielen dank fûr deine ermutigende wörtern! :) Ich hoffe, dass die
Tiere mir als ich sein möchte sehen: Robot <3

Set Hallstrom
AKA Sakrecoer

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015, Set Hallstrom wrote:

> My name is Set. I am a 35 years young half-swede half-swiss happy human.
> I speak French, Swedish, Spanish, German and English fluently but
> unfortunately i spell non of them very good. My main fields of action
> are music and graphics, having a master in graphic design from ECAV in
> Switzerland. I have been involved in quite a few PR, A&R and HR
> assignments, such as for night clubs in Barcelona, and RMLL (aka LSM
> Libre Software Meetings). I also have a good deal of experience as
> conflict solver and technical supporter.
> I'm interested in helping out and being a part of the dev crew.
> Here is my CV:
> http://set.hallstrom.ch
> If you think i could fit among you, let me know what the next step is.

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